A Message From The Grand East

To God be the glory!

Welcome to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia, where I’m honored and humbled to serve as the 19th Most Worshipful Grand Master. Our honored institution of Prince Hall Masonry in Georgia welcome all sojourners to fellowship with us and do God’s will of serving His people. On behalf of all Master Masons owing allegiance to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, Jurisdiction of Georgia, and all concordant bodies of Masonry, I welcome you to our corner of the world. We are the largest fraternal organization collectively within the state of Georgia with a rich history of over 150 years practicing benevolence, intellectual development and mutual respect. We seek to unite men of differing races, beliefs and backgrounds into a harmonious and productive community through the application of moral values and the practice of Brotherly Love, Faith and Charity. Feel free to browse our site to learn more about us and our mission in our respective communities.

Grand Master's Signature

Primus T. James, 33°

19th Most Worshipful Grand Master

The "But God" Initiative

But God Initiative

Matthew 17:20

The Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. By the numbers it means that 80% of all outcomes come from just 20% of inputs. It is OUR time! It is OUR season! To go from GOOD to GREAT!!

Upcoming Grand Lodge Events

Important Links

Knights of Pythagoras

Venue Rental

Looking for a place to have your wedding? Need a venue to host your fundraising event? Contact us for availability! Send your name, contact number, email and requested date and time of event!

Reserve Now!
Knights of Pythagoras

Knights of Pythagoras

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he shall not depart from it" - Proverbs 22:6

Get Involved!
Masonic Supply

Masonic Supply

Need to purchase a new apron? A ritual or membership applications? Visit our Masonic Supply Store!

Coming Soon!
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Ask The Grand Master Forums

"Ask The Grand Master" Forums

Got a question about protocol or something heard on the "rumor mill?" Get the answer straight from the top (or his delegate)


Masonic Digest

The Masonic Digest is the official newsletter publication for the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Georgia.



The Masonic Digest

The Masonic Digest is our quarterly publication dedicated to showcasing the phenomenal works of the Brothers and Sisters across our great Jurisdiction!   

Concordant & Appendant Bodies

ONE Vision, ONE Goal, ONE PHamily!


MWPHGL of Georgia

Primus T. James,33°

Most Worshipful GrandMaster
Prince Hall Grand Chapter

PH Grand Chapter Order of ES

Sallie Ruth Mills

Grand Worthy Matron
Visit Site
Georgia Council of Deliberation

Georgia Council of Deliberation

SGIG Primus James,33°

Deputy for the Orient of Georgia
Visit Site
The Order of the Golden Circle

Grand State Assembly

LL Donna Cook
Grand State Loyal Lady Ruler

Jesse Robinson Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Holy Royal Arch Masons

MEGHP Horace Borders
Visit Site
Wilhelmina H. Parrish Most Ancient Grand Court

Wilhelmina H. Parrish Most Ancient Grand Court

MAGM Beverly Morrison
H. R. Butler Grand Council Order of Royal & Select Masters

H. R. Butler Grand Council Order of Royal & Select Masters

GTIM George B. King
Visit Site
Lillian E. Blake Royal Grand Court

Lillian E. Blake Royal Grand Court

RGPM Priscilla Hurston
John H. Deveaux Grand Commandery Magnaminous Order of Knights Templar Masons

John H. Deveaux Grand Commandery Magnaminous Order of Knights Templar Masons

MEGC C.E. Alexander
Visit Site
John A. Robinson Sr. Most Royal Grand Court

John A. Robinson Sr. Most Royal Grand Court

MRGPC Cynthia lee
Georgia Priory No. 12

Georgia Priory No. 12

Tyrone Hardesty, KYGCH

Eminent Prior
Visit Site
Vanda T. Patton Priorates UD

Vanda T. Patton Priorate No. 8

patricia B. miller, PYCH
Regal Prioress
Princesses York Cross of Honour
Imperial Deputy of the Desert

AEAONMS, Desert of Georgia

Noble Corey D. Shackleford, Sr., Imperial Deputy of the Desert
Imperial Deputy for the Desert

DOI, Desert of Georgia

Dt. Sharon Mathis, Imperial Deputy for the Desert

Georgia Prince Hall Tag

Prince Hall Tag

The Prince Hall Tag can now be obtained by requesting "Tag Identifier 'HL'" at your local tag office!
